Interface FeatureCatalogueDescription

All Superinterfaces:

@UML(identifier="MD_FeatureCatalogueDescription", specification=ISO_19115) public interface FeatureCatalogueDescription extends ContentInformation
Information identifying the feature catalogue or the conceptual schema.
  • Method Details

    • isCompliant

      @UML(identifier="complianceCode", obligation=OPTIONAL, specification=ISO_19115) default Boolean isCompliant()
      Indication of whether or not the cited feature catalogue complies with ISO 19110. This value is optional, and therefore may be null.
      whether or not the cited feature catalogue complies with ISO 19110, or null.
    • getLocalesAndCharsets

      @UML(identifier="locale", obligation=OPTIONAL, specification=ISO_19115) default Map<Locale,Charset> getLocalesAndCharsets()
      Language(s) and character set(s) used within the catalogue. Note that contrarily to the PT_Locale object defined by ISO 19115:2014, the java.util.Locale object does not contain character encoding information. The character set information is stored in separated objects, associated to locales through entries in the map.

      XML representation

      XML documents shall format languages using the ISO 639-2 language code as returned by Locale.getISO3Language(). Character sets shall be referenced by name from the IANA Character Set register.
      language(s) and character set(s) used within the catalogue.
      See Also:
      Departure from OGC/ISO abstract specification:
      Departure for closer integration with the Java environment GeoAPI replaces ISO 19115:2014 LanguageCode, CountryCode and MD_CharacterSetCode code lists by equivalent objects from the standard Java library. See org.opengis.metadata.Metadata#getLocalesAndCharsets() for more information.
    • getLanguages

      Replaced by getLocalesAndCharsets().keySet().
      Language(s) used within the catalogue.
      language(s) used within the catalogue.
    • isIncludedWithDataset

      @UML(identifier="includedWithDataset", obligation=OPTIONAL, specification=ISO_19115) default boolean isIncludedWithDataset()
      Indication of whether or not the feature catalogue is included with the resource.
      whether or not the feature catalogue is included with the resource.
    • getFeatureTypeInfo

      @UML(identifier="featureTypes", obligation=OPTIONAL, specification=ISO_19115) default Collection<? extends FeatureTypeInfo> getFeatureTypeInfo()
      Subset of feature types from cited feature catalogue occurring in resource and count of feature instances.
      subset of feature types occurring in resource.
      Departure from OGC/ISO abstract specification:
      Change of name without change in functionality Renamed from "featureTypes" to "featureTypeInfo" for the following reasons:
      1. Avoid name collision with the ISO 19115:2003 definition of "featureTypes".
      2. Avoid confusion between FeatureTypeInfo and org.opengis.feature.FeatureType. A getFeatureTypes() method name would suggest that the collection contains the latter.
    • getFeatureTypes

      @Deprecated default Collection<? extends GenericName> getFeatureTypes()
      As of ISO 19115:2014, replaced by getFeatureTypeInfo().
      Names of the feature types.
      names of the feature types.
    • getFeatureCatalogueCitations

      @UML(identifier="featureCatalogueCitation", obligation=CONDITIONAL, specification=ISO_19115) Collection<? extends Citation> getFeatureCatalogueCitations()
      Complete bibliographic reference to one or more external feature catalogues.
      bibliographic reference to one or more external feature catalogues.
      Mandatory if the feature catalogue is not included with resource and FeatureCatalogue is not provided.