Interface NominalResolution

@Classifier(UNION) @UML(identifier="LE_NominalResolution", specification=ISO_19115_2) public interface NominalResolution
Distance between consistent parts of (centre, left side, right side) adjacent pixels. Exactly one of scanning resolution and ground resolution properties shall be provided.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default Double
    Distance between consistent parts of (centre, left side, right side) adjacent pixels in the object space.
    default Double
    Distance between consistent parts of (centre, left side, right side) adjacent pixels in the scan plane.
  • Method Details

    • getScanningResolution

      @UML(identifier="scanningResolution", obligation=CONDITIONAL, specification=ISO_19115_2) default Double getScanningResolution()
      Distance between consistent parts of (centre, left side, right side) adjacent pixels in the scan plane.
      Upcoming API change — units of measurement
      The return type of this method may change in GeoAPI 4.0. It may be replaced by the Length type in order to provide unit of measurement together with the value.
      distance between consistent parts of adjacent pixels in the scan plane.
    • getGroundResolution

      @UML(identifier="groundResolution", obligation=CONDITIONAL, specification=ISO_19115_2) default Double getGroundResolution()
      Distance between consistent parts of (centre, left side, right side) adjacent pixels in the object space.
      Upcoming API change — units of measurement
      The return type of this method may change in GeoAPI 4.0. It may be replaced by the Length type in order to provide unit of measurement together with the value.
      distance between consistent parts of adjacent pixels in the object space.