Interface CompletenessCommission

All Superinterfaces:
Completeness, Element

@UML(identifier="DQ_CompletenessCommission", specification=ISO_19157) public interface CompletenessCommission extends Completeness
Excess data present in the data set. The data set is described by the scope.

Standardized values

In order to achieve well defined and comparable quality information, it is recommended to report data quality using quality measures listed in ISO 19157 annex. The following table provides a summary; see ISO 19157 for more complete descriptions and examples. All identifiers should be in "ISO 19157" namespace.
Standardized values derived from ISO 19157
Identifier Name of measure Basic measure Value type Remarks
1 excess item error indicator Boolean true indicates that the item is in excess
2 number of excess items error count Integer
3 rate of excess items error rate Real
4 number of duplicate feature instances error count Integer


  1. Indication that an item is incorrectly present in the data.
  2. Number of items within the data set or sample that should not have been present.
  3. Number of excess items in the data set or sample in relation to the number of items that should have been present.
  4. Total number of exact duplications of feature instances within the data.
See Also:
Renamed in 19157:2022: Commission.