Interface RelativeInternalPositionalAccuracy

All Superinterfaces:
Element, PositionalAccuracy

@UML(identifier="DQ_RelativeInternalPositionalAccuracy", specification=ISO_19157) public interface RelativeInternalPositionalAccuracy extends PositionalAccuracy
Closeness of the relative positions of features in the scope to their respective relative positions accepted as or being true.

Standardized values

In order to achieve well defined and comparable quality information, it is recommended to report data quality using quality measures listed in ISO 19157 annex. The following table provides a summary adapted to GeoAPI objects; see ISO 19157 for more complete descriptions and formulas. All identifiers should be in "ISO 19157" namespace.
Standardized values derived from ISO 19157
Identifier Name of measure Aliases Parameters Value type
52 relative vertical error Rel LE90 n (sample size) Quantity
53 relative horizontal error Rel CE90 n (sample size) Quantity


  1. Evaluation of the random errors of one relief feature to another in the same data set or on the same map/chart.
  2. Evaluation of the random errors in the horizontal position of one feature to another in the same data set or on the same map/chart.