Java interfaces derived from OGC and ISO abstract models. In a series of packages and modules in the org.opengis® namespace, GeoAPI defines interfaces for metadata handling, for geodetic referencing (map projections), for the representation of features and for their filtering. The GeoAPI interfaces closely follow the abstract models published collaboratively by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in its 19100 series of documents and the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) in its abstract and implementation specifications. The normative part of GeoAPI is the org.opengis.geoapi module, Other modules are conformance tests or examples. See the GeoAPI home page for more information.

Requirements: This version of GeoAPI requires Java 11 or later and the JSR-385 units of measurement API.

Java interfaces derived from OGC and ISO abstract models.
Test suites for GeoAPI implementations.
Examples of GeoAPI implementations.