Class ResourceBundles


public final class ResourceBundles extends Object
Localized resources for elements from OGC/ISO standards. This class provides ResourceBundle or Properties objects in which keys can have the following patterns:
  • <class>
  • <class>.<member>
where <class> and <member> are the UML identifiers as specified in the OGC/ISO standards. Those identifiers for GeoAPI interfaces and methods are given by UML.identifier().


The "CI_RoleCode.principalInvestigator" key is associated to the following values:
  • Locale.ENGLISH
    • CodeList: Principal investigator
    • Description: Key party responsible for gathering information and conducting research.
  • Locale.FRENCH
    • CodeList: Maître d’œuvre principal
    • Description: Acteur qui a assuré la réalisation de la ressource, éventuellement en faisant appel à des co-traitants ou des sous-traitants.