Interface TemporalConsistency

All Superinterfaces:
Element, TemporalAccuracy, TemporalQuality

@UML(identifier="DQ_TemporalConsistency", specification=ISO_19157) public interface TemporalConsistency extends TemporalQuality, TemporalAccuracy
Correctness of ordered events or sequences, if reported.

Standardized values

In order to achieve well defined and comparable quality information, it is recommended to report data quality using quality measures listed in ISO 19157 annex. The following table provides a summary; see ISO 19157 for more complete descriptions and examples. All identifiers should be in "ISO 19157" namespace.
Standardized values derived from ISO 19157
Identifier Name of measure Basic measure Value type Remarks
159 chronological order error indicator Boolean true indicates that the event is incorrectly ordered


  1. Indication that an event is incorrectly ordered against the other events.