Uses of Interface
Packages that use CartesianCS
Uses of CartesianCS in
Methods in that return CartesianCSModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionProjectedCRS.getCoordinateSystem()
Returns the coordinate system, which must be cartesian.Methods in with parameters of type CartesianCSModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCRSFactory.createGeocentricCRS
(Map<String, ?> properties, GeodeticDatum datum, CartesianCS cs) Creates a geocentric coordinate reference system from a cartesian coordinate system.CRSFactory.createProjectedCRS
(Map<String, ?> properties, GeographicCRS baseCRS, Conversion conversionFromBase, CartesianCS derivedCS) Creates a projected coordinate reference system from a defining conversion. -
Uses of CartesianCS in org.opengis.referencing.cs
Methods in org.opengis.referencing.cs that return CartesianCSModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCSAuthorityFactory.createCartesianCS
(String code) Creates a cartesian coordinate system from a code.CSFactory.createCartesianCS
(Map<String, ?> properties, CoordinateSystemAxis axis0, CoordinateSystemAxis axis1) Creates a two dimensional cartesian coordinate system from the given pair of axis.CSFactory.createCartesianCS
(Map<String, ?> properties, CoordinateSystemAxis axis0, CoordinateSystemAxis axis1, CoordinateSystemAxis axis2) Creates a three dimensional cartesian coordinate system from the given set of axis.