Interface ParameterValue<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of parameter values.
All Superinterfaces:

@Classifier(UNION) @UML(identifier="OperationParameterValue", specification=ISO_19111) public interface ParameterValue<T> extends GeneralParameterValue
A single parameter value used by an operation method. Most CRS parameter values are numeric and can be obtained by the intValue() or doubleValue() methods. But other types of parameter values are possible and can be handled by the more generic getValue() and setValue(Object) methods.

All xxxValue() methods in this interface are convenience methods converting the value from Object to some commonly used types. Those types are specified in ISO 19111 as a union of attributes, listed below with the corresponding getter and setter methods:

Common value types
ISO attribute Java type Getter method Setter method
Object getValue() setValue(Object)
stringValue String stringValue() setValue(Object)
value double doubleValue() setValue(double)
double doubleValue(Unit) setValue(double, Unit)
valueList double[] doubleValueList() setValue(Object)
double[] doubleValueList(Unit) setValue(double[], Unit)
integerValue int intValue() setValue(int)
integerValueList int[] intValueList() setValue(Object)
booleanValue boolean booleanValue() setValue(boolean)
valueFile URI valueFile() setValue(Object)
valueFileCitation Citation getValue() setValue(Object)
geographicObject Geometry getValue() setValue(Object)
The type and constraints on parameter values are given by the descriptor, Instances of ParameterValue are created by the ParameterDescriptor.createValue() method.
See Also:
Departure from OGC/ISO standard for closer integration with the Java environment This interface merges the OperationParameterValue interface and ParameterValue union. The valueFileCitation and geographicObject properties were omitted because those more complex objects can be specified by setting the <T> parameterized type to Citation and Geometry respectively.