Interface PassThroughOperation

All Superinterfaces:
CoordinateOperation, IdentifiedObject, SingleOperation

@UML(identifier="PassThroughOperation", specification=ISO_19111) public interface PassThroughOperation extends SingleOperation
An operation specifying a subset of a coordinate tuple subjected to a specific coordinate operation. Coordinates in the coordinate tuple other than the subset remain unchanged. For example, it may be required to transform only the horizontal or only the vertical component of a compound three-dimensional coordinate reference system (CRS). This operation specifies what subset of a coordinate tuple is subject to a requested operation. It takes the form of referencing another coordinate operation and specifying a sequence of numbers defining the positions in the coordinate tuple of the coordinates affected by that operation. The order of the coordinates in a coordinate tuple shall agree with the order of the coordinate system axes as defined for the associated coordinate system.
Upcoming API change
This interface is conformant to ISO 19111:2003. But the ISO 19111:2007 revision changed the parent interface from SingleOperation to CoordinateOperation. This change may be applied in GeoAPI 4.0.