Interface IdentifiedObject

All Known Subinterfaces:
AffineCS, CartesianCS, CompoundCRS, ConcatenatedOperation, ConicProjection, Conversion, CoordinateOperation, CoordinateReferenceSystem, CoordinateSystem, CoordinateSystemAxis, CylindricalCS, CylindricalProjection, Datum, DatumEnsemble<D>, DerivedCRS, DynamicReferenceFrame, Ellipsoid, EllipsoidalCS, EngineeringCRS, EngineeringDatum, GeneralDerivedCRS, GeneralParameterDescriptor, GeocentricCRS, GeodeticCRS, GeodeticDatum, GeographicCRS, ImageCRS, ImageDatum, LinearCS, OperationMethod, ParameterDescriptor<T>, ParameterDescriptorGroup, ParametricCRS, ParametricCS, ParametricDatum, PassThroughOperation, PlanarProjection, PointMotionOperation, PolarCS, PrimeMeridian, ProjectedCRS, Projection, ReferenceSystem, SingleCRS, SingleOperation, SphericalCS, TemporalCRS, TemporalDatum, TimeCS, Transformation, UserDefinedCS, VerticalCRS, VerticalCS, VerticalDatum

Identification and remarks information for a reference system or CRS-related object. Identified objects contain the following properties:
  • A name (e.g. North American Datum of 1983).
  • Alternative names or aliases (e.g. NAD83 abbreviation).
  • Identifiers allocated by authorities (e.g. a register of geodetic codes and parameters might give the NAD83 datum a unique code of 6269).
  • Remarks about this object, including data source information.
Some typical IdentifiedObject sub-types are: When CRSAuthorityFactory is used to create an object, the authority and authority code values shall be set to the authority name of the factory object, and the authority code supplied by the client, respectively. The other values may or may not be set. If the authority is EPSG, the implementer may consider using the corresponding metadata values in the EPSG tables.