Interface CartesianCS

All Superinterfaces:
AffineCS, CoordinateSystem, IdentifiedObject

@UML(identifier="CS_CartesianCS", specification=ISO_19111) public interface CartesianCS extends AffineCS
A 2- or 3-dimensional coordinate system with orthogonal straight axes. All axes shall have the same length unit of measure.

This type of CS can be used by coordinate reference systems of type GeocentricCRS, ProjectedCRS, EngineeringCRS or ImageCRS. The following examples describe some possible set of axes for Cartesian CS used with the above-cited CRS:

Example 1: used with a Projected CRS
Axis name Abbr. Direction Unit
Easting E AxisDirection.EAST metre
NorthingN AxisDirection.NORTH metre
Example 2: used with a Geocentric CRS
Axis name Abbr. Direction Unit
Geocentric XX AxisDirection.GEOCENTRIC_X metre
Geocentric YY AxisDirection.GEOCENTRIC_Y metre
Geocentric ZZ AxisDirection.GEOCENTRIC_Z metre
Example 3: used with an Engineering CRS for a station fixed to Earth
Axis name Abbr. Direction Unit
Site northx AxisDirection.SOUTH_EAST metre
Site east y AxisDirection.SOUTH_WEST metre
Example 4: used with an Engineering CRS for a moving platform
Axis name Abbr. Direction Unit
Aheadx AxisDirection.valueOf("FORWARD") metre
Righty AxisDirection.valueOf("STARBOARD") metre
Down z AxisDirection.DOWN metre
Note: the above example uses two axis directions that are not defined in ISO 19111, but found in ISO 19162 as "forward" and "starboard".
See Also:
Departure from OGC/ISO abstract specification:
Departure due to constraint of the Java language ISO 19111 defines CartesianCS as a direct sub-type of CoordinateSystem. ISO also defines ImageCS as the union of AffineCS and CartesianCS, for use by ImageCRS. Because the union construct found in some languages like C/C++ does not exist in Java, GeoAPI defines CartesianCS as a sub-type of AffineCS in order to achieve the same type safety. With this change, GeoAPI can use AffineCS directly without the need to define ImageCS. In this hierarchy, CartesianCS is considered a special case of AffineCS where all axes are perpendicular to each other.