Interface EngineeringCRS

All Superinterfaces:
CoordinateReferenceSystem, IdentifiedObject, ReferenceSystem, SingleCRS

@UML(identifier="EngineeringCRS", specification=ISO_19111) public interface EngineeringCRS extends SingleCRS
A 1-, 2- or 3-dimensional CRS used locally. It can be divided into three broad categories:
  • planet-fixed systems applied to engineering activities on or near the surface of the planet;
  • CRSs on moving platforms such as road vehicles, vessels, aircraft, or spacecraft.
  • CRSs used to describe spatial location internally on an image.

Planet-fixed engineering CRSs are commonly based on a simple flat-earth approximation of the planet's surface, and the effect of planet curvature on feature geometry is ignored: calculations on coordinates use simple plane arithmetic without any corrections for planet curvature.

Engineering CRSs used on moving platforms are subject to all the motions of the platform with which they are associated. In this case the associated coordinates are meaningful only relative to the moving platform. Transformation of coordinates from these moving engineering CRSs to planet-referenced CRSs involves time-dependent coordinate operation parameters.

Permitted coordinate systems

This type of CRS can be used with coordinate systems of type AffineCS, CartesianCS, CylindricalCS, LinearCS, PolarCS, SphericalCS.
See Also: