Interface DerivedCRS

All Superinterfaces:
CoordinateReferenceSystem, GeneralDerivedCRS, IdentifiedObject, ReferenceSystem, SingleCRS
All Known Subinterfaces:

@UML(identifier="DerivedCRS", specification=ISO_19111) public interface DerivedCRS extends GeneralDerivedCRS
A CRS that is defined by applying a coordinate conversion to another preexisting CRS. The derived CRS inherits its datum (reference frame) or datum ensemble from its base CRS. A DerivedCRS instance may also implement one of the interfaces listed below, provided that the conditions in the right column are met:
Derived CRS types
Type Conditions
ProjectedCRS Base CRS is a GeographicCRS and conversion is a map projection.
GeodeticCRS Base CRS is also a GeodeticCRS.
VerticalCRS Base CRS is also a VerticalCRS.
TemporalCRS Base CRS is also a TemporalCRS.
EngineeringCRS Base CRS is a GeodeticCRS, ProjectedCRS or EngineeringCRS.

Projected CRS

In the special case where the CRS is derived from a base GeographicCRS by applying a coordinate conversion known as a map projection to latitude and longitude ellipsoidal coordinate values, the ProjectedCRS subtype should be used. Projected CRSs are modeled as a special case of derived CRS because of their importance in geographic information.

Derived projected CRS

In the special case where the CRS is derived from a base ProjectedCRS, the coordinate system of the derived CRS is not necessarily Cartesian. But the derived CRS still inherit the distortion characteristics of the base projected CRS.
See Also: