Interface Conversion

All Superinterfaces:
CoordinateOperation, IdentifiedObject, SingleOperation
All Known Subinterfaces:
ConicProjection, CylindricalProjection, PlanarProjection, Projection

@UML(identifier="Conversion", specification=ISO_19111) public interface Conversion extends SingleOperation
Operation in which the parameter values are defined rather than empirically derived. Coordinate conversions are coordinate operations that make use of exact, defined (rather than measured or computed), and therefore error-free parameter values. Corresponding pairs of coordinate tuples in each of the two coordinate reference systems connected through a coordinate conversion have a fixed arithmetic relationship. Additionally one of the two tuples cannot exist without specification of the coordinate conversion and the source coordinate reference system. Coordinate conversions are therefore intimately related to the concept of Derived CRS.


The best-known examples of coordinate conversions are map projections. A map projection is a conversion from an ellipsoidal coordinate system to a Cartesian coordinate system in CRSs associated to the same datum. Another example is the change of units such as from radians to degrees or feet to meters.
See Also: