Interface GeocentricCRS

All Superinterfaces:
CoordinateReferenceSystem, GeodeticCRS, IdentifiedObject, ReferenceSystem, SingleCRS

@Deprecated(since="3.1") @UML(identifier="SC_GeocentricCRS", specification=ISO_19111, version=2003) public interface GeocentricCRS extends GeodeticCRS
This type was defined in 2003 but removed in 2007. The ISO 19111 revision published in 2019 still excludes this type. The GeodeticCRS base type should be used instead.
A 3-dimensional CRS with the origin at the approximate centre of mass of the planet. A geocentric CRS deals with the planet's curvature by taking a 3-dimensional spatial view, which obviates the need to model the planet's curvature.

Permitted coordinate systems

This type of CRS can be used with coordinate systems of type Cartesian or Spherical.
See Also: