Interface EllipsoidalCS

All Superinterfaces:
CoordinateSystem, IdentifiedObject

@UML(identifier="EllipsoidalCS", specification=ISO_19111) public interface EllipsoidalCS extends CoordinateSystem
A 2- or 3-dimensional coordinate system for use with geodetic CRS. Position is specified by geodetic latitude, geodetic longitude, and (in the 3D case) ellipsoidal height.

This type of CS can be used by coordinate reference systems of type GeographicCRS, potentially in combination with DerivedCRS. The following examples describe some possible set of axes for ellipsoidal CS used with the above-cited CRS:

Example 1: used with a two-dimensional Geographic CRS
Axis name Abbr. Direction Unit
Geodetic latitude φ AxisDirection.NORTHdegree
Geodetic longitudeλ AxisDirection.EAST degree
Example 2: used with a three-dimensional Geographic CRS
Axis name Abbr. Direction Unit
Geodetic latitude φ AxisDirection.NORTHdegree
Geodetic longitudeλ AxisDirection.EAST degree
Ellipsoidal heighth AxisDirection.UP metre
See Also: