Interface OperationMethod

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@UML(identifier="OperationMethod", specification=ISO_19111) public interface OperationMethod extends IdentifiedObject
Algorithm or procedure used to perform a coordinate operation. Most operation methods use a number of operation parameters, although some coordinate conversions use none. Each coordinate operation using the method assigns values to these parameters.

As this class comes close to the heart of any coordinate transformation software, it is recommended to make extensive use of identifiers, referencing well-known datasets wherever possible. The name may be ambiguous because there is yet no standard way of spelling or naming the various coordinate operation methods. Client software requesting a coordinate operation to be executed by a coordinate transformation implementation may therefore ask for an operation method this server doesn't recognise, although a perfectly valid method may be available. Some recommended EPSG identifiers are reproduced below (see ISO 19162 or the EPSG repository for a more complete list):

EPSG identifier for some operation method names
Name Alias Identifier
Albers Equal Area Albers 9822
Hotine Oblique Mercator (variant A) Rectified skew orthomorphic 9812
Hotine Oblique Mercator (variant B) Rectified skew orthomorphic 9815
Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area Lambert Equal Area 9820
Lambert Conic Conformal (1SP) Lambert Conic Conformal 9801
Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP) Lambert Conic Conformal 9802
Mercator (variant A) Mercator 9804
Mercator (variant B) Mercator 9805
Oblique stereographic Double stereographic 9809
Transverse Mercator Gauss-Boaga / Gauss-Krüger 9807


An operation method named Mercator (variant A) (EPSG:9804) declares the following parameters. Note that implementations can optionally assign default values to those parameters.
  • Latitude of natural origin in degrees.
  • Longitude of natural origin in degrees.
  • Scale factor at natural origin as a dimensionless number.
  • False easting in metres.
  • False northing in metres.
See Also: