Class AuthorityCodesReport.Row

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

protected static class AuthorityCodesReport.Row extends Object implements Comparable<AuthorityCodesReport.Row>
A single row in the table produced by AuthorityCodesReport. Instances of this class are created by the AuthorityCodesReport.createRow(…) methods. Subclasses of AuthorityCodesReport can override those methods in order to modify the content of a row.

Every String fields in this class must be valid HTML. If some text is expected to print < or > characters, then those characters need to be escaped to their HTML entities.

Content of each Row instance is written in the following order:

  1. annotation if explicitly set (the default is none).
  2. code
  3. name
  4. remark

Other attributes (isSectionHeader, isDeprecated and hasError) are not directly written in the table, but affect their styling.

See Also: