Class AuthorityCodesReport


public class AuthorityCodesReport extends Report
Generates a list of object identified by authority codes for a given authority factory.

This class recognizes the following property values. Note that default values are automatically generated for the "COUNT.*" and "PERCENT.*" entries.

Report properties
Key Remarks Meaning
TITLE Title of the web page to produce.
DESCRIPTION optional Description to write after the introductory paragraph.
OBJECTS.KIND Kind of objects listed in the page (e.g. Coordinate Reference Systems).
FACTORY.NAME The name of the authority factory.
FACTORY.VERSION The version of the authority factory.
FACTORY.VERSION.SUFFIX optional An optional text to write after the factory version (in the main text only).
PRODUCT.NAME Name of the product for which the report is generated.
PRODUCT.VERSION Version of the product for which the report is generated.
PRODUCT.VERSION.SUFFIX optional An optional text to write after the product version (in the main text only).
PRODUCT.URL URL where more information is available about the product.
JAVADOC.GEOAPI predefinedBase URL of GeoAPI javadoc.
COUNT.OBJECTS automatic Number of identified objects.
PERCENT.VALIDS automatic Percentage of objects successfully created (i.e. having no error).
PERCENT.ANNOTATED automatic Percentage of objects having an annotation.
PERCENT.DEPRECATED automatic Percentage of deprecated objects.
FILENAME predefinedName of the file to create if the write(File) argument is a directory.

How to use this class:

  1. Create a Properties map with the values documented in the above table. Default values exist for many keys, but may depend on the environment. It is safer to specify values explicitly when they are known, except the automatic ones.
  2. Create a new AuthorityCodesReport with the above properties map given to the constructor.
  3. Invoke one of the add(…) methods for the factory of identified objects to include in the HTML page.
  4. Invoke write(File).