Uses of Interface

Packages that use InternationalString
Implementation of some interfaces from the org.opengis.metadata package.
Implementation of some interfaces from the org.opengis.parameter package.
Implementation of some interfaces from the org.opengis.referencing package.
Defines the structure and content of views of real-world phenomenon.
The metadata root entity.
Type for citing a resource and information about the responsible party.
Restrictions placed on data (legal and security constraints).
Identification of the feature catalogue used, or description of the content of a coverage dataset.
Information concerning the distributor of, and options for obtaining, a resource.
Geographic, vertical and temporal extents.
Information to uniquely identify the data or service.
Sources and production processes used in producing a dataset.
Scope and frequency of updating data.
Description of the quality of geographic data.
Information concerning the mechanisms used to represent spatial information in a dataset.
Description and storage of parameter values.
Base interfaces for reference systems.
Geodetic datum (the relationship of a coordinate system to the earth).
Coordinate operations (relationship between any two coordinate reference systems).
The GeoAPI conformance testing framework.
Validators and test suites for the org.opengis.referencing package.
Validators and test suites for the org.opengis.util package.
A set of base types from ISO 19103 which cannot be mapped directly from Java, plus utilities.