All Classes and Interfaces

Closeness of reported coordinate values to values accepted as being true.
Correctness of the temporal references of an item (reporting of error in time measurement).
Designations for the measuring instruments, the platform carrying them, and the mission to which the data contributes.
Location of the responsible individual or organization.
A 2- or 3-dimensional coordinate system in Euclidean space with straight axes that are not necessarily orthogonal.
Tests affine transforms from the org.opengis.referencing.operation package.
As of ISO 19115:2014, replaced by AssociatedResource.
Aggregation or derivation evaluation method.
Details of the methodology by which geographic information was derived from the instrument readings.
Defines and exposes the structure of a resource (model and/or data dictionary).
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Replaced by
invalid reference
for consistency with JUnit 5 conventions.
Extension to JUnit assertion methods.
Associated resource information.
Justification for the correlation of two datasets.
An instance of an AttributeType containing the value of an attribute in a feature.
Information about content type for groups of attributes for a specific RangeDimension.
Definition of an attribute in a feature type.
DeprecatedAttributeType is now defined in the org.opengis.feature package.
Generates a list of object identified by authority codes for a given authority factory.
A single row in the table produced by AuthorityCodesReport.
Base interface for all authority factories.
Tests the creation of referencing objects from the authority factories given at construction time.
A function that may be used in filter expressions.
The direction of positive increase in the coordinate value for a coordinate system axis.
Range of wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum.
Designation of criterion for defining maximum and minimum wavelengths for a spectral band.
Data quality basic measure.
A compact way of encoding a range check.
An operator that evaluates the mathematical comparison between two arguments.
Operator that tests whether two expressions that evaluate to geometric values satisfy the spatial relationship implied by the operator.
Enclosing geometric object which locates the resource.
Graphic that provides an illustration of the dataset (including a legend for the graphic, if applicable).
The kind of calculation that produced the DirectPositions being compared.
A 2- or 3-dimensional coordinate system in Euclidean space with orthogonal straight axes.
Code indicating whether grid data is point or area.
As of ISO 19115:2014, replaced by a reference to the IANA Character Set register.
Standardized resource reference.
Reference date and event used to describe it.
Validates Citation and related objects from the org.opengis.metadata.citation package.
Name of the handling restrictions on the dataset.
An annotation specifying the stereotype (abstract, datatype, union, etc.) of an interface.
Base class for all code lists.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Replaced by Predicate from the standard Java library.
Validates CodeList classes.
An operator that evaluates the mathematical comparison between arguments.
Nature of the comparison between expressions.
Presence and absence of features, their attributes and their relationships.
Excess data present in the data set.
Data absent from the data set.
has never been used outside a few metadata classes, and core profile is not defined anymore in latest ISO 19115.
A CRS describing the position of points through two or more independent CRSs.
Base class for exceptions thrown when a numerical computation did not produced the expected value.
An ordered sequence of two or more single coordinate operations.
Adherence to rules of the conceptual schema.
Trustworthiness of a data quality result.
Contains information about the test environment, like available factories and disabled tests.
Type-safe keys that can be used in a Configuration map.
Declaration of which conformance classes a particular implementation supports.
Information about the outcome of evaluating the obtained value (or set of values) against a specified acceptable conformance quality level.
This interface is not part of the OGC/ISO abstract specifications.
Restrictions on the access and use of a resource or metadata.
Information required to enable contact with the responsible person and/or organization.
All interfaces, code lists, enumerations and exceptions declared in GeoAPI.
Description of the content of a resource.
Verification operations that compare metadata or CRS properties against the expected values.
Designation of criterion for defining the context of the scanning process event.
Common interface of all enumerations and code lists defined in GeoAPI.
Operation in which the parameter values are defined rather than empirically derived.
Type (measure, integer or date) of coordinate values.
Metadata required to reference coordinates.
A mathematical operation on coordinates that transforms or converts coordinates to another CRS or epoch.
Creates coordinate transformation objects from codes.
Creates coordinate operations from parameter values, or infers operations from source and target CRS.
Base type of all Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS).
A collection of coordinate tuples referenced to the same coordinate reference system (CRS).
Sequence of non-repeating coordinate system axes that spans a given coordinate space.
Definition of a coordinate system axis.
Links a given operation name (mandatory attribute of OperationMetadata) with a resource identified by an "identifier".
Class of information to which the referencing entity applies.
Specific type of information represented in the cell.
Information about the content of a grid data cell.
Result of a data quality measure organizing the measured values as a coverage.
Creates coordinate reference systems using authority codes.
Builds up complex Coordinate Reference Systems from simpler objects or values.
Validates CoordinateReferenceSystem and related objects from the package.
Creates coordinate systems using authority codes.
Builds up complex coordinate systems from simpler objects or values.
Validates CoordinateSystem and related objects from the org.opengis.referencing.cs package.
A 3-dimensional cylindrical coordinate system.
This interface is not part of the OGC/ISO abstract specifications.
Data evaluation method.
Description of a transfer data file.
Information required to identify a resource.
Quality information for the data specified by a data quality scope.
Datatype of element or entity.
Identification of when a given event occurred
Specifies the relationship of a coordinate system to an object.
Creates datum objects using authority codes.
Collection of datums which for low accuracy requirements may be considered to be insignificantly different from each other.
Builds up complex datum objects from simpler objects or values.
Validates Datum and related objects from the org.opengis.datum package.
Departures in GeoAPI interfaces compared to OGC/ISO schemas.
Thrown by TransformTestCase.verifyDerivative(double[]) when a transform derivative did not produced the expected values.
A CRS that is defined by applying a coordinate conversion to another preexisting CRS.
Data quality measure description.
Data quality descriptive result.
Technical means and media by which a resource is obtained from the distributor.
Axis properties.
Name of the dimension.
Holds the coordinates for a position within some coordinate reference system.
Spatial operator that checks that one geometry satisfies some relation to a buffer around another geometry.
Nature of the spatial operation computed with geometries and a distance parameter.
Distributed computing platform (DCP) on which an operation has been implemented.
Information about the distributor of and options for obtaining the resource.
Information about the distributor.
Style of the documentation to store.
Adherence of values to the value domains.
Thrown if SortBy has multiple SortProperty elements referencing the same value.
An instance of a DynamicAttributeType containing time-dependent values of an attribute.
Definition of a dynamic attribute in a moving feature type.
Reference frame in which some of the defining parameters have time dependency.
Aspect of quantitative quality information.
Geometric figure that can be used to describe the approximate shape of a planet.
A 2- or 3-dimensional coordinate system for use with geodetic CRS.
A 1-, 2- or 3-dimensional CRS used locally.
Identification of the origin of an engineering (or local) coordinate reference system.
A minimum bounding box or rectangle.
Information about the environmental conditions during the acquisition.
Description of the evaluation method and procedure applied.
Type of method for evaluating an identified data quality measure.
Identification of a significant collection point within an operation.
A literal or a named procedure that performs a distinct computation.
Advertisement of additional operators added to the filter syntax.
New metadata element, not found in ISO 19115, which is required to describe geographic data.
Information about spatial, vertical, and temporal extent of the resource.
Validates Extent and related objects from the org.opengis.metadata.extent package.
Base interface for all factories.
Thrown when a factory cannot create an instance of the requested object.
An instance of a FeatureType containing values for a real-world phenomena.
An instance of an FeatureAssociationRole containing the associated feature.
Indicates the role played by the association between two features.
Information identifying the feature catalogue or the conceptual schema.
Thrown when FeatureType.newInstance() is invoked but the feature cannot be instantiated.
Thrown when Operation.apply(…) is invoked but the operation cannot complete.
Abstraction of a real-world phenomena.
DeprecatedFeatureType is now defined in the org.opengis.feature package.
Information about the occurring feature type.
Not anymore in ISO 19115.
Identification of a subset of resources from a collection of resources whose property values satisfy a set of logically connected predicates.
Metadata about the specific elements that a particular implementation supports.
Factory of instances of the various Filter and Expression subclasses.
Description of the computer language construct that specifies the representation of data objects in a record, file, message, storage device or transmission channel.
Degree to which data are stored in accordance with the physical structure of the data set.
Specification of the coordinate operation method formula.
Test of every item in the population specified by the data quality scope.
Information on ground control point.
Information about a control point collection.
As of ISO 19111:2019, this interface is renamed as DerivedCRS.
Abstract definition of a parameter or group of parameters used by an operation method.
Abstract parameter value or group of parameter values.
A sequence of identifiers rooted within the context of a namespace.
This type was defined in 2003 but removed in 2007.
A 2- or 3-dimensional CRS used over the whole planet or substantial parts of it.
Position, scale and orientation of a geocentric Cartesian 3D coordinate system relative to the planet.
Geographic position of the resource.
A 2- or 3-dimensional CRS based on an ellipsoidal approximation of the geoid.
Description of the geographic area using identifiers.
Base interface for geographic area of the resource.
Information used to determine geographic location corresponding to image location.
Number of objects, listed by geometric object type, used in the dataset.
Name of point and vector spatial objects used to locate zero-, one-, and two-dimensional spatial locations in the dataset.
Temporary placeholder for an interface defined in the geoapi-pending module.
Geometric description of the collection.
Validates Geometry and related objects from the org.opengis.geometry package.
Grid whose cells are regularly spaced in a geographic or projected coordinate reference system.
Grid with cells irregularly spaced in any given geographic/projected coordinate reference system.
Closeness of gridded data position values to values accepted as or being true.
Basic information required to uniquely identify a resource or resources.
Expected or tested uniformity of the results obtained for a data quality evaluation.
Capabilities used to convey supported identifier operators.
Basic information required to uniquely identify a resource or resources.
Identification and remarks information for a reference system or CRS-related object.
Identification and description information inherited by property types and feature types.
Value uniquely identifying an object within a namespace.
Replaced by EngineeringCRS as of ISO 19111:2019.
Replaced by EngineeringDatum as of ISO 19111:2019.
Information about an image's suitability for use.
Base class for all image I/O tests.
Validators for implementations of java.awt.image or javax.imageio services.
Base class for testing ImageWriter implementations.
Code which indicates conditions which may affect the image.
Thrown when a temporal operation cannot be performed because a position has an indeterminate value.
Indications that a temporal position is not precisely known.
Test based on external knowledge or experience of the data product.
Information about the party if the party is an individual.
Type of aggregation activity in which datasets are related
A zero-dimensional temporal primitive that represents position in time, equivalent to a point in space.
Designations for the measuring instruments.
A string that has been internationalized into several locales.
Thrown if a filter or an expression cannot be evaluated for a given parameter.
Thrown if adding or removing a parameter value in a group would result in more or less parameters than the expected range.
Thrown when an unexpected parameter was found in a parameter group.
Thrown by ParameterValue getter methods when a value cannot be casted to the requested type.
Thrown by ParameterValue setter methods when they are given an invalid value.
Thrown when an Attribute value or a FeatureAssociation does not met the constraints (other than Java class) specified by its type.
Specification of a class to categorize keywords in a domain-specific vocabulary that has a binding to a formal ontology.
Keywords, their type and reference source.
Methods used to group similar keywords.
Restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing and using the resource.
A character string comparison operator with pattern matching.
Information about the events or source data used in constructing the data specified by the scope or lack of knowledge about lineage.
A 1-dimensional coordinate system that consists of the points that lie on the single axis described.
A constant value that can be used in expressions.
Identifier within a name space for a local object.
Degree of adherence to logical rules of data structure, attribution and relationships.
Combination of one or more conditional expressions.
Nature of the logic operation between two or more filters.
Frequency with which modifications and deletions are made to the data after it is first produced.
Information about the scope and frequency of updating.
Validates objects from the org.opengis.metadata.maintenance package.
Specifies how the comparison predicate shall be evaluated for a collection of values.
Transforms multi-dimensional coordinate points.
Transforms one-dimensional coordinate points.
Transforms two-dimensional coordinate points.
Low level factory for creating MathTransform instances.
A two dimensional array of numbers.
Data quality measure.
Identifier of a measure fully described elsewhere.
Information about the media on which the resource can be stored or distributed.
Method used to write to the medium.
This code list is not anymore part of ISO 19115:2014, since MediumName has been replaced by Citation.
A name that references either an attribute slot in a record, an attribute, operation, or association role in an object instance or a type description in some schema.
Root entity which defines metadata about a resource or resources.
Validates Metadata and related objects from the org.opengis.metadata package.
Information describing metadata extensions.
Class of information to which the referencing entity applies.
Base class for validators of org.opengis.metadata package and sub-packages.
Information about the reliability of data quality results.
Indicates that an operation cannot be completed properly because of a mismatch in the coordinate reference systems or epoch of components.
Indicates that an operation cannot be completed properly because of a mismatch in the number of dimensions of an argument given to a method.
Moved to the org.opengis.coordinate package.
Indicates that an operation cannot be completed properly because of a mismatch in the attribute or feature type of operands.
Thrown when Attribute.getValue() or FeatureAssociation.getValue() is invoked on a property containing more than one value.
A domain in which names are defined.
Mapping from XML prefixes or Java types to programmatic namespaces (modules or packages).
Tests generic name and related objects from the org.opengis.util package.
Validates GenericName and related objects from the org.opengis.util package.
An operator that evaluates if the value of an expression is nil.
Distance between consistent parts of (centre, left side, right side) adjacent pixels.
Thrown when MathTransform.inverse() is invoked but the transform cannot be inverted.
Correctness of non-quantitative attributes.
Thrown when an authority factory cannot find the requested authority code.
Thrown when an identifier provided to a factory method cannot be found.
An operator that tests if an expression's value is null.
Scope and domain of validity of a CRS-related object.
Base interface for all factories of identified objects.
Tests the creation of referencing objects from the object factories given at construction time.
Describes the characteristics, spatial and temporal extent of the intended object to be observed.
Temporal persistence of collection objective.
Whether an element is mandatory, optional or have other obligation.
Obligation of the element or entity.
Class of information to which the referencing entity applies.
Information about on-line sources from which the dataset, specification, or community profile name and extended metadata elements can be obtained.
Describes the behaviour of a feature type as a function or a method.
Designations for the operation used to acquire the dataset.
Operation chain information.
Describes the signature of one and only one method provided by the service.
Algorithm or procedure used to perform a coordinate operation.
Thrown when a coordinate operation is not found.
Generates a list of operations (typically map projections) and their parameters.
A single row in the table produced by OperationParametersReport.
Code indicating whether the data contained in a packet is real, simulated or synthesized.
Validates CoordinateOperation and related objects from the org.opengis.referencing.operation package.
Information about the party if the party is an organisation.
Thrown when the temporal position given to a dynamic attribute is outside the period of validity.
The definition of a parameter used by an operation method.
The definition of a group of related parameters used by an operation method.
Class of information to which the referencing entity applies.
Tests parameterized math transforms from the org.opengis.referencing.operation package.
Thrown by parameter groups (value and descriptor) when a parameter is requested but not found in that group.
Validates ParameterValue and related objects from the org.opengis.parameter package.
A single parameter value used by an operation method.
A group of related parameter values.
A 1-dimensional CRS which uses parameter values or functions.
A 1-dimensional coordinate system in which a physical property or function is used as the dimension.
Identification of a particular reference surface used as the origin of a parametric coordinate system.
Information about the individual and / or organisation of the party.
An operation specifying a subset of a coordinate tuple subjected to a specific coordinate operation.
A one-dimensional temporal primitive that represent extent in time.
Effectively deprecated — use java.time.Duration instead.
This code list has been removed from ISO 19111:2019 together with ImageDatum.
A row-major iterator over sample values in a Raster or RenderedImage.
Point in a pixel corresponding to the Earth location of the pixel.
Designations for the planning information related to meeting the data acquisition requirements.
This interface is not part of the OGC/ISO abstract specifications.
Designation of the platform used to acquire the dataset.
Identification of collection coverage.
Temporary placeholder for an interface defined in the geoapi-pending module.
Change of coordinate values within one CRS due to the motion of the point between two coordinate epochs.
A 2-dimensional polar coordinate system.
Polarization of the antenna relative to the waveform.
Information identifying the portrayal catalogue used.
The GM_Position union has been removed in ISO 19107:2019.
Accuracy of the position of features.
Mode in which the data is represented.
Definition of the origin from which longitude values are determined.
Ordered list of priorities.
Comprehensive information about the procedure(s), process(es) and algorithm(s) applied in the process step.
Information about an event or transformation in the life of resource.
Report of what occurred during the process step.
has never been used outside a few metadata classes, and core profile is not defined anymore in latest ISO 19115.
Status of the dataset or progress of a review.
A 2- or 3-dimensional CRS based on an approximation of the shape of the planet's surface by a plane.
A conversion from geodetic (longitude,latitude) coordinates to Cartesian (x,y) coordinates.
An instance of a PropertyType.
Thrown when a property requested by its name is not found in a Feature or FeatureType.
Characteristics that may be associated with a FeatureType.
Creates referencing objects for a limited set of hard-coded EPSG codes using ObjectFactory and MathTransformFactory.
Base class of pseudo-factories that simulate a subset of the capabilities of a "real" factory.
Validates DataQuality and related objects from the org.opengis.metadata.quality package.
Accuracy of quantitative attributes.
The values or information about the value(s) (or set of values) obtained from applying a data quality measure.
An action that performs a search over some set of resources and returns a subset of those resources.
Information on the range of each dimension of a cell measurement value.
Description of specific range elements.
Meaning of the axis value range specified through minimum value and maximum value.
Specification of the method by which the vertical reference frame is realized.
A list of logically related fields as (name, value) pairs in a dictionary.
The RecordSchema interface has been removed in the 2015 revision of ISO 19103 standard.
The type definition of a record.
Identifier used for reference systems.
Base interface of reference systems by coordinates or by identifiers.
Defines type of reference system used.
Renamed as ObjectFactoryTest.
Base class of CoordinateReferenceSystem implementation tests.
Base class for validators of IdentifiedObject and related objects from the org.opengis.referencing package.
Services supported by the coordinate operation packages.
Closeness of the relative positions of features in the scope to their respective relative positions accepted as or being true.
Information about resource release constraints.
Base class for tools generating reports as HTML pages.
A scale defined as the inverse of a denominator.
Degree to which the sample used has produced a result which is representation of the data.
Range of date validity.
Requirement to be satisfied by the planned data acquisition.
Level of detail expressed as a scale factor or a ground distance.
Localized resources for elements from OGC/ISO standards.
Predicate to identify any identifiable resource within a filter expression.
Information about the party and their role.
Limitation(s) placed upon the access or use of the data.
Base interface of more specific result classes.
Function performed by the responsible party.
Test performed on a subset of the geographic data defined by the data quality scope.
The characteristics of each dimension (layer) included in the resource.
Advertisement of which logical, comparison and arithmetic operators the service supports.
Thrown when a SchemaInformation failed to load a XSD file because it does not comply with expected OGC/ISO conventions, or when a UML annotation failed a compliance check.
Information about types and properties declared in OGC/ISO schemas.
The type and namespace of a property or type.
The target resource and physical extent for which information is reported.
Description of the data specified by the scope.
Class of information to which the referencing entity applies.
Description of the class of information covered by the information.
A composite of a LocalName (as head) for locating another name space, and a GenericName (as tail) valid in that name space.
Handling restrictions imposed on the resource or metadata for national security or similar security concerns.
Temporal relation of activation.
Information about the series, or aggregate dataset, to which a dataset belongs.
Identification of capabilities which a service provider makes available.
Provides simple factories backed by the example implementations.
Base type of CRS related to an object by a datum or datum ensemble.
A parameterized mathematical operation on coordinates that changes coordinates to another CRS.
Properties whose values shall be used to order the set of resources that satisfy a filter expression.
Captures the SortBy order, ascending or descending.
Defines the sort order of a property.
Information about the resource used in creating the resource specified by the scope.
Reference to the source of the data quality measure.
Advertisement of which spatial operators and geometric operands the service supports.
Operator that determines whether its geometric arguments satisfy the stated spatial relationship.
Nature of the spatial operation between two geometries.
Digital mechanism used to represent spatial information.
Method used to represent geographic information in the dataset.
Extent with respect to date/time and spatial boundaries.
ISO/OGC specifications from which an interface, method, enumeration or code list was derived.
A 2- or 3-dimensional coordinate system with one distance measured from the origin and two angular coordinates.
Reference to an external standalone quality report.
Common ways in which the resource may be obtained or received, and related instructions and fee information.
Type of modeling element as declared in the OGC/ISO UML diagram.
Telephone numbers for contacting the responsible individual or organization.
Type of telephone.
Advertisement of which temporal operators and temporal operands the service supports.
Correctness of ordered events or sequences, if reported.
A 1-dimensional CRS used for the recording of time.
Definition of the relationship of a temporal coordinate system to an object.
Time period covered by the content of the resource.
Operator that determines whether its time arguments satisfy the stated spatial relationship.
Nature of the temporal operation between two geometries.
A non-decomposed element of temporal object or topology of time.
Accuracy of the temporal attributes and temporal relationships of features.
Validity of data specified by the scope with respect to time.
Base class of all GeoAPI tests.
Provides access to small built-in test files.
Accuracy and correctness of attributes and classification of features.
Comparison of the classes assigned to features or their attributes to a universe of discourse.
A 1-dimensional coordinate system containing a single time axis.
Modifies the tolerance threshold before to compare a calculated value against its expected value.
A factory of various ToleranceModifier implementations.
High-level geographic data thematic classification to assist in the grouping and search of available geographic data sets.
Correctness of the explicitly encoded topological characteristics of the data set.
Degree of complexity of the spatial relationships.
Transform function to be used when scaling a physical value for a given element.
Operation in which parameters are empirically derived from a series of points in both CRSs.
Common superclass for a number of transformation-related exceptions.
Thrown by TransformTestCase when a MathTransform did not produced the expected value.
Base class for MathTransform implementation tests.
Mechanism of activation.
Base interface of type definitions.
A local name that references an object type is some schema.
An annotation mapping each interface, methods or fields to the UML identifier where they come from.
Thrown when a factory does not implement a method.
Pre-defined constants for the units of measurement used by the conformance tests.
Removed from latest ISO 19157 standard.
Brief description of ways in which the resource(s) is/are currently or has been used.
User-defined coordinate systems should extend CoordinateSystem directly.
Base class of all GeoAPI validators.
A set of convenience methods for validating GeoAPI implementations.
A set of convenience static methods for validating GeoAPI implementations.
Expression whose value is computed by retrieving the value indicated by a name in a resource.
Structure for reporting a complex data quality result.
Information about the vector spatial objects in the dataset.
The version of a resource to select.
The action to do for selecting a new version for an identified resource.
A 1-dimensional CRS used for recording heights or depths.
A 1-dimensional coordinate system used to record the heights or depths of points.
Identification of a particular reference level surface used as a zero-height surface.
Replaced by RealizationMethod in ISO 19111:2019.
Vertical domain of resource.
Tests the Well-Known Text (WKT) parser of Coordinate Reference System (CRS) objects.